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Office Address:

1300 noble street




William R. Payne

Attorney at Law

(256) 237 - 3560


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        You need to call me now!  What are you waiting for?

        Ignoring the problem will not make it go away. 

        Doing nothing makes you one thing.....DEFENSELESS!  

What you need is a defense, a good defense.  And that's why you're going to call me.  You and I will deal with this together.

Tired of not being able to sleep?  Tired of not being able to focus at work?  It's time to take back some control in your life. 


       CALL ME NOW!    (256) 237-3560


Drugs and substances prohibited - arrest

William R. Payne handles Drug cases on an ongoing basis. His clients have been charged with offenses including Possession of a Controlled Substance, Distribution, Manufacturing and Trafficking in Illegal Drugs.

We can assist with locating Drug Rehabilitation options for clients n need of those services.

In Drug Possession cases and certain other Felonies, Mr. Payne has had success in getting many clients admitted into the Calhoun County Drug Court.  Drug Court offers the  opportunity for clients to receive drug counseling and monitoring.   

Successful completion of the Drug Court program results in the criminal charges being dismissed.  

Mr. Payne is a member of the Drug Court Team in Calhoun County and has served in this capacity for more than 15 years.  



Whiskey with car keys and handcuffs conc

William R. Payne provides defense against DUI charges in Municipal

and State Courts.  He represents clients with DUI charges no matter

how many DUI convictions they may have had before.

 DUI laws in Alabama are becoming ever more strict through

legislative changes.  Some recent changes include the mandatory requirement that a person have an Ignition Interlock Device installed

on their designated vehicle if they are convicted of DUI.  

A conviction for DUI causes the suspension of your Driver's License which affects your ability to go to work and take care of your family.  Depending on the facts and evidence, there may be options to avoid conviction and suspension of your Driver's License. 

   Don't go to court alone! 

You need the representation of Attorney William R. Payne for his

years of knowledge and experience in handling DUI cases.   



Crime scene investigation - collecting e


William R. Payne represents clients charged with offenses involving danger to other persons ranging from Domestic Violence 3rd to Assault 3rd to Felony Assault, Murder and Capital Murder.  

 Burglary, Theft of Property, Identity Theft

Legs of a Criminal

At the Payne Law Firm, L.L.C. we represent clients charged with Property Crimes ranging from Theft of Property 4th Degree, to Theft of Property 1st Degree.  We defend clients for charges of Burglary, Possession of Burglars Tools, and even Identity Theft.

Throughout his career William R. Payne has represented clients in all types of criminal charges.   He handles all manner of Felony and Misdemeanor charges.

For more than twenty years William R. Payne has concentrated his practice in the area of Criminal Defense.  He practices in all State and Municipal Courts.  The Payne Law Firm, L.L.C. is located in Anniston, Alabama.  Mr. Payne's practice extends throughout Northeast and Central Alabama.  He represents clients in any county in the state where they may have charges.   

Mr. Payne is authorized to practice in the U.S. District Court in the Northern District of Alabama. 

forensic 's hand in black glove writing

At The Payne Law Firm, L.L.C. our focus in every criminal case is on challenging the state's ability to get a conviction.

 We don't just look at what evidence the state has; We also look closely at what evidence they don't have!

Hands of criminal with handcuffs in the

We represent clients in Probation and Parole Hearings. We also assist in efforts to get unreasonable bonds reduced to try and secure our client's release from jail.

We can assist some clients with alternative sentencing options that can avoid prison depending on the criminal charge and any prior criminal history.  Depending on the circumstances, alternative sentencing options can include Mental Health Court, Veterans Court, and Pretrial Diversion or Deferred Prosecution.  These options can lead to charges ultimately being dismissed.  With Alabama's new Expungement Law it is now possible to get some charges expunged from a person's record if their charge is dismissed, nol prossed, or if the person is found not guilty following a trial.  Not all charges are eligible to be expunged.

Felony and other criminal convictions affect your rights and therefore the future for you and your family.  

You need an experienced Criminal Defense Attorney to help you take back the control in your life.  

Contact The Payne Law Firm, L.L.C. today and let us use our years of experience to fight for you.  


Personal Injury

Injured woman feeling bad after having a

If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident with another car, truck or an eighteen wheeler and the accident was not your fault, then call me now about a review of your case.  We can help you get the compensation for your injuries including lost wages and pain and suffering caused by negligent drivers.  


If you can't work because of a physical condition or mental illness and you have been denied Social Security benefits, call me to help you get the disability benefits you rightly deserve. 

          Call today! Time is limited!     (256) 237-3560

Close-up of male hand on wheel of wheelc


Image by Joel Naren

If someone you care about is suffering with mental illness and their life has gotten out of control, call us.  We can help.  There is hope.  There is always hope.  Helping with Mental Illness is what we do. 

  Call us today at (256) 237-3560  




We represent clients charged with all types of

Felonies, Misdemeanors and DUIs.  We have  the experience you need whether your case is a Drug Possession or Trafficking in Illegal Drugs.  We represent clients charged with Domestic Violence both at the Misdemeanor and Felony level.  We have served as counsel for multiple clients charged with Murder and Capital Murder.  We provide DUI Defense in all Municipal Courts as well as District Court.  Whether you were stopped by City Police, a Deputy Sheriff or Alabama State Trooper we can provide the representation you need to try and protect against the loss of your drivers license. We handle Bond Reductions if your bond is set too high and you cannot get out of jail. We can also file to try and get your bond reinstated if your bond gets revoked by the court. We also represent clients at Probation and Parole Hearings.


We are especially proud to offer assistance to persons suffering from symptoms of their mental illness which are preventing them from safely functioning on their own.  We help family and friends of these individuals get them the help they need through the Involuntary Commitment process.  We prepare and file all necessary paperwork in the Probate Court.  This process results in the mentally ill person being evaluated by a mental health professional.  Following that evaluation a hearing is held before the Probate Judge who can order that the mentally ill person go to the Mental Health Center for treatment on an outpatient basis.  In cases where the mental illness symptoms are more severe, the mentally ill person may be ordered to receive treatment on an inpatient basis at a local or state designated mental health facility.

We work closely with the Calhoun-Cleburne Mental Health Center (Now known as Highland Health Systems), the Calhoun County Mental Health Officer, Regional Medical Center Psychiatric Services Unit in Anniston, and other Mental Health Professionals in assisting individuals suffering as a result of their mental illness symptoms. 


We prepare Wills and Trusts for clients which directs how the property in their Estate will be divided or how it will be used to take care of another person upon that client's death.  If you already have a will it is advisable  that you have your will reviewed every five years to make sure that it still meets your needs because of possible changes in your circumstances. We help administer estates after persons have passed away.  We do this for persons that have left a will in which case we file to have the will admitted to Probate.   The will controls how the property of the deceased will be disposed of by the Executor named in the will.  We also administer estates for persons that have died without leaving a will.  In either case the estate must remain open at least six months. 

We prepare Living Wills, also known as Advance Directives, which set out your wishes regarding medical treatment or other life-sustaining measures to take in the event you become medically unable to speak for yourself.  We can offer advice about Guardianship and Conservatorship for persons that cannot take care of themselves or their money.

We prepare Powers of Attorney.  We can also file to revoke a Power of Attorney if said power is no longer needed or is being abused. 


If you can't work for physical reasons or due to mental illness and have been denied Social Security benefits then call me.  I can represent you in Appealing your case  to the Social Security Administration. I personally meet with each client seeking to appeal their disability case and carefully interview that individual as well as family members to learn about the daily challenges faced by the client because of their disability.  By getting to know your circumstances personally I can better serve as your advocate in court. You only have 60 days in which to file an appeal if you are denied benefits so please contact me as soon as you receive your letter of denial so that I can get your appeal filed in a timely manner. 


If you have been seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident that was someone else's fault or if you have been seriously injured due to the negligence of another for any reason then you need an attorney to help you recover from the responsible party. You may have been seriously injured by a product that was negligently designed.  If you have a family member that was seriously inured or killed due to the negligence of another then you need to consult an attorney right away to protect their rights.  No matter who caused your injury, don't talk to their insurance company representatives without first talking to an attorney to represent you or your family member. You are entitled to recover your out of pocket expenses, medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering.  In some cases you may be entitled to punitive damages. In most injury cases you won't pay an attorney's fee or case expenses unless we recover for you.  There is a two year statute of limitations in Alabama.  You must file and settle your claim or file suit within two years of the event that caused the injury or death otherwise your claim will be forever barred.  Therefore it is very important that you do not delay in consulting an attorney.  There is no cost for the initial consultation (meeting) with us.  Call us today to review your case.

We handle various civil matters including defending or filing Small Claims actions. We represent parties in Uncontested Divorce cases.
Many clients come to us to send demand letters on their behalf in making a civil claim of some type where they have been previously unsuccessful acting on their own.  We also review and respond to demand letters or other correspondence received by our clients.
We offer consulting services on just about any legal question you may have and our fees for those services are affordable.

If you have been a victim of discrimination on your job please come see us.  We have helped persons with EEOC Claims.  The EEOC will investigate the matter and either sue on your behalf or give you the right to sue upon completion of their investigation of the matter.  There are time deadlines in which you must file a claim with the EEOC so do not delay. Call us today for an appointment.  

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William R. Payne

Attorney at Law

 (256) 237-3560

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When you come to our office we hope you find sanctuary among friends that will work with you in confronting whatever legal matter you are facing. 

Our mission statement is defending people because they matter.  We believe in that mission and apply it in all the work that we do. Because people do matter, no matter what may be going on in their world.

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